Godliness with Contentment

My name is Keyno Hanna, and I live in the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. I am a Christian. I am married to my beautiful wife Pamela (Pam) and have 2 children Jalen and Jade. We are here to have a conversation about how to win with money from the Bible’s perspective.

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Chicken or the Egg?

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Giving Tuesday comes after black Friday and Cyber Monday. I don’t think this is a good placement. The money goes out and by Tuesday very little is left. I mean I hope this is not the case for you, but for many it is. So perhaps givingtuesday.org can clamor for a change. I say put Giving Tuesday as the Tuesday before thanksgiving. That way we know when it is each year and we give before we spend. I understand that the spending includes purchasing gifts for loved ones, but in most times, if they don’t get that gift, life goes on. On giving Tuesday I am suggesting that we give to those who need food, clothing, water, shelter to make it to the next day. Many who go without the turkey on Thursday while we sit around the table with friends and family.
Many of us live sheltered lives i.e. we think that what we go through is the hardest, but we neglect to press our windows down as we drive through town to see the homeless rolling the grocery trolley miles away from the store with their life belongings in it followed closely by a few dogs. Life is really rough for so many. If we can do something on giving Tuesday to alleviate their pain for a few brief minutes because of our kindness, we have done something.
But indeed, giving Tuesday is a token, giving is how we should live. Giving is one of the things we should do with what God has given us. It is one of the things to do with money. We spend some, save some, invest some, and give some. Don’t forget to give some. And there are so many who are in need - we won't have to search long for someone who needs.
Proverbs 22:9 'The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.'
Is he blessed so as to share his food with the poor or his is blessed because he shares with the poor? 
Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Simply Safe

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Every day, I am getting older and slower. I can try and play Jedi mind tricks but that does not stop my aging. As I get older, my metabolism slows, my recovery time takes longer. This week I decided to schedule a meeting with my doctor. What I realize is that even though I don't like to go to the doctors or hospitals (I like my doctor btw), there are times when it is necessary. You start to feel strange stuff; it is time to go. I am reminded that money is good, but health is better. I prefer health over money. I have heard of the rich who die. They have money to go to the doctors and buy the meds and perform the surgeries, but sometimes, even though they have access to a lot of money, no matter how much money is thrown at the ailment, it does not matter. It is then, but even before then,  that we should be thinking about true safety. The question is 'are you simply safe?' In the midst of the storm - is your soul safe. We die and leave the money behind (we cannot take it with us). We have heard 1000 jokes about the coffin packed with money… Money does not make the most important part of us safe; in some cases it cannot even make our bodies safe. Get some money, yes, but don’t be deceived, it only works here, and sometimes it cannot even work here. Find your true safety in God.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

A few years ago, I heard it explained that Black Friday is about the retailers getting in the black. What does that mean? Well, 'in the black' is an accounting term signifying that a business is in a financially profitable position. So Black Friday is about businesses making a profit. Interestingly enough the opposite of black in accounting is not white but red.
I used to think that the retailers were doing us a favor by discounting their stuff. Black Friday is not about us, but about them.
How can you get in the black?
Well some simple things:
-spend less than you make 
-improve your skill set 
-start a business 
Getting in the black for you is about using money wisely. Yes using money intentionally not being blown by this wind and that wind to spend without control. You control it. Tell your money what to do.
I hope I caught you before something bad happened…

White Elephant

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Have you ever heard of a Christmas gift exchange game called 'white elephant'? Wikipedia says that 'The goal of a white elephant gift exchange is to entertain party-goers rather than to gain a genuinely valuable or highly sought-after item.' Clearly, Wikipedia has never played this game with the people I have played with. There is one gift that everyone wants that goes from hand to hand until all the numbers are exhausted. The last person has the chance to get any gift they want. One under the tree or the highly sought after one that has changed hands multiple times…
Today I want to elaborate on the fact that many of us are too busy comparing ourselves to others that we miss what God is doing. I read an article from betterup.com called 'Stop comparing yourself to others: do these 10 things instead'
I have adjusted the list a little and have reduced it down to four items.
4 ways to stop comparing yourself to others:
-stop spending tons of time consuming social media
-remember that inside and outside are different 
-count your blessings 
-look at what you have in your hand

Rain is a good thing

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Our dependence and worship should lay squarely at the feet of our God. He is the great Giver, the Source. In Jesus' pattern of prayer in Matthew 6, he lays out one of the petitions that we should put before the Father and it is 'give us this day our daily bread'. So we pray for our needs in this world. Bread here meaning all sustenance not just physical bread. This prayer is about God even though we are asking for our needs to be met since we ask Him and we recognize Him as the one who meets our needs. And so God brings glory to himself by meeting our needs. Jesus wants his followers to know where bread comes from - it comes from God. There is a country song by Luke Bryan that says 'rain is a good thing, rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey….'. I have a modified song today 'rain is a good thing, rain makes wheat, wheat makes flour, flour makes bread, bread fills my belly'. Some farmers would tell you that no rain, no crop. Some say rain is the most important factor in the whole system. But where does rain come from that makes the corn and the wheat? Rain comes from God. So rain is not the most important factor, God is.

You have the answer

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

Dr. Myles Munroe said something like this before: "We are not meant to be seedful, but fruitful. There are chairs and tables are in the trees. Shoes are in the cows. The capacity to produce is in us." I don't think seedful is a real word, but hopefully you get the picture. And just how does the capacity to produce get in us? God put it there. The same God who Moses told the Israelites about in Deuteronomy 8:18 'But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth,…' He has given you the ability to produce wealth. So it is in you. The answer to avoiding poverty is in you, the answer to being a blessing for others is in you. Perhaps we just need to ask the right questions of God, of others and of ourselves to find the right answer(s). What is this for you? I don't know, but there is a capacity, a creativity implanted in you by our Heavenly Father for your use to - bring glory to Him, to be fruitful because of Him, and then help others because of Him. Spend the time to figure it on out, then go.

Money or love on your mind?

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

This week we take a look at Philemon. He was a Christian and wealthy and a slave owner. Onesimus was Philemon's slave who had run away and probably stolen something from him. Onesimus meets Paul in his travels and becomes a Christian.
Paul encourages Onesimus to go back to Philemon and to put things right. In the letter to Philemon, Paul does not leverage any apostolic authority but appeals to Philemon on the basis of love. Paul also does not plead for Philemon to set Onesimus free but for him to accept and love him as a brother. Paul encourages Philemon to receive Onesimus as he would receive Paul.
Money does not make us better or worse than others.
2 Corinthians 5:16 says: "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view...." For Christians, we should no longer measure people by human standards of race, nationality, social standing, or possessions, definitely not the color of their skin.

Successful woman

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

Today we take a look at a strong successful woman in the Bible by the name of Lydia. In Lydia, we find a woman who loved God and was a businesswoman. There is not any word of a husband so she was what we may call an independent successful woman, but she is really dependent on God. She has a house, a business, and looks to be wealthy. When presented with the Word that saves, she did not allow her business or wealth to be obstacles. In fact, even prior to that, she was at the place of prayer when encountered by Paul and his companions. These things like a business or wealth can be stumbling blocks to us if we let them. Lydia does not. She chooses God.

Looking backward, upward, forward

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

My 52nd episode! One year's worth. A time of reflection, a time of looking to God and a time for looking forward to keep doing what God's has put on my heart to do.
I have also been reminded of the things I did wrong with money over the years. 
I did not do a good job of using my God given skills/talents to produce wealth. I wasn't trying to get out of debt or avoid it. I was afraid of money. I was not saving for my children or the future or an emergency. I was not being generous with what God had blessed me with.
Yes, I did tons of stuff wrong and now through the Scriptures I am going after learning what God says about how to handle money and then practice it.
Let's take our instructions from God and not man.

Practice Hospitality

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

The book of Acts has many examples of women who are willing participants in the gospel. Their role was an important one in the advancement of the gospel. Today we look at one of them in Mary the mother of Mark in Acts 12. An angel breaks Peter out of prison. Once out and Peter realizes that this is real, he goes to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. Many people were there praying for Peter's release. This house was one of the places where the Christians would have gathered. Early in the history of the church, there were no church buildings, and local groups would meet in the homes of Christians whose house was big enough to accommodate it. Mary was most likely a wealthy widow (no husband mentioned and she had a servant girl) and she had opened her home as one of the meeting places for the church. Mary used her wealth to offer hospitality even in risky times. Hospitality is not for women alone but for men as well.

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