Godliness with Contentment

My name is Keyno Hanna, and I live in the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. I am a Christian. I am married to my beautiful wife Pamela (Pam) and have 2 children Jalen and Jade. We are here to have a conversation about how to win with money from the Bible’s perspective.

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18 hours ago

The Scriptures I focus on in this episode are found in Matthew 13:22 and Colossians  3:2. Jesus in the parable of the Sower speaks about the thorns as the cares of this life and the riches and pleasures and describes them as the deceitfulness of wealth. Paul wrote to the Colossians that they set their minds on things above, not on earthly things.
We have the ability to focus on God or on something else, but not both at the same time. One of the biggest challenges for us is being sucked in by the deceitfulness of wealth.
The episode is about us making the main thing the main thing - i.e. God and the things of God.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram @godlinesswcontentment or check out his website at https://godlinesswithcontentment.com.

To Give or Not? Find Out!

Saturday Sep 28, 2024

Saturday Sep 28, 2024

To give or not to give, that is the question. Around us in our cities and places where we live, in fact wherever we go, there are needs. We are faced almost daily with the question of whether or not to give. We get some help I believe from what we see in Acts 3:1-10. Peter and John did not have money, but had the gift of healing from the Holy Spirit.
We are to give from what we have. We cannot give from what we don't have.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/Check out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

Sunday Sep 15, 2024

Les Brown has a quote about potential: “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.” 
We look at the parable of the talents (bags of gold) in Matthew 25 and focus on the servant who was given one bag of gold.
His view of the master was wrong, he was described as lazy, and he did nothing with his talent. He hid it in the ground.
Listen to how this ends. This is not how we want it to end with us.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: @godlinesswcontentmentCheck out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

Saturday Sep 07, 2024

This episode came to life because of what I am calling 'the garage opener incident'. But more about that in the actual recording.
In Numbers 11:23, I find one of my favorite passages in the whole Bible. Here, God tells Moses, in a summarized version, that nothing is impossible for God, and that God would show Moses that God could do anything.
There are times when we hit a task that is too great for us or so we think. We know the Scriptures....nothing is impossible for God, yet we can forget this crucial fact when we are actually in the middle of a situation. Hard for us does not mean hard for God. With God, anything is possible. He does the impossible and we go along for the ride.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: @godlinesswcontentmentCheck out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

Go to the land God shows you

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

In Genesis 12, we find Abram with a call on his life from God. God called Abram and told Abram what to do and where to go...well not quite. Abram was to leave his father's house and go to a place God would show him. Along with this call, God told Abram that He would bless him. Then we see in vs 4 that Abram left as God told him.
What was missing? God did not tell Abram where to go, just to go. God would show him later.
Is your faith like this? Abram believed God and thus went, not knowing where.
Later when God shows Abram the place, Abram worshiped God. Don't miss this piece. Go, yes. When you see the land then give God thanks. Don't tell yourself that you did this. God did it.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/Check out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

We plan for retirement but our life does not come to an end there.... We go into eternity, so we have to plan for eternity. 
Plan for your future! Heaven, not hell. 
Don’t miss the point! Eternity awaits. We cannot take worldly wealth with us, but rewards await us based on how we lived on earth.  
As an example Proverbs 19:17 'Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.' 
God has an amazing accounting system!
But what are 4 things the Bible tells us to do with worldly wealth?
-give some (local church, poor and needy, helping out people in situations...) - Proverbs 19:17
-save some (emergency fund, invest, Proverbs 13:22
-spend some (needs & wants/enjoyment) Ecclesiastes 5:18-19
-do what Jesus says here in Luke 16:9: use it to influence people (who will become friends) for Jesus. Bringing people into the kingdom using our worldly wealth. Don't miss this one…
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/Check out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

The Rock

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

In Matthew 7:24-27 we find that the rock to build on is the words of Jesus.
We are to build our houses on the Rock i.e. on Jesus' words. To go a little further, practically, we need to live our lives based on Jesus in order to win despite the storms of life. Storms will come, the winds will blow and beat against our house, but when we have Jesus as our foundation, our house will withstand the storms. As simple as it gets.
What kind of storms are you facing right now? Maybe none, but one was last month and another is coming in a few months (not a prophet). Jesus does not say if the storms will come, he simply tells us how to withstand them when they come.
The key to withstand any storm is to hold on to the words of Jesus.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/Check out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

Small Axe

Saturday Jul 20, 2024

Saturday Jul 20, 2024

So, I love the music of Bob Marley - most of his songs. One of them is called 'Small Axe' and actually uses the first part Proverbs 26:27 in the song. 'Whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall in it…'.
I cannot recall why this was on my mind the other day, but the concept of a small axe is huge. A small axe can fell a big tree.
Yes, It will take a long time, but, it will happen once the person swinging the axe continues and does not stop until the tree falls. In fact after a certain point, the axe does not have to do any more work. The wind and gravity will take over.
So don't believe that the tree is too big. The boulder to big, the mountain to huge. We just need to keep doing the things we know we should do and the tree will fall.
The way I see it, it isn't about the axe or the man who swings it, but God who gives man the strength to keep swinging that eventually brings the tree down.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/Check out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

What are you looking for?

Saturday Jul 06, 2024

Saturday Jul 06, 2024

In Genesis 15:1-6 we find God telling Abram (later Abraham) that God is Abram's protector and reward. Mind blowing right? Is God enough for you? Abram was at a place where he had no children but wanted them badly. So even though God says what he said, Abram was thinking - give me children. God takes Abram outside and shows him the stars in the sky. Abram's offspring would be like that i.e. not able to be numbered.
God knew what Abram wanted as he knows what we want. Yet, our main objective in a relationship with God should be our relationship with God. Let God take care of the rest. He knows your desires.
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/
Check out the new website here:

Open Door

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

In Acts 16:6-10, Paul and Silas and company travel through Galatia and Phrygia having been kept from preaching in the Roman province of Asia (In Asia were places like Colossae, Ephesus, Thyatira, and others) by the Holy Spirit. They come to the border of another place Bithynia and are denied entry by the Spirit here described as the Spirit of Jesus. There being no difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus. So they go to another place (to catch themselves) and while there, Paul has a vision of a man from Macedonia begging him to come there and help them. After that vision, Luke says they got ready at once because they believed God had called them to go and preach the gospel to the Macedonians. 
We see here that they are denied entry into some places and called to another. It shows that God was guiding them and they obeyed his leading. Not knowing why, but obeying.
Do not despise closed doors, but embrace them. God is keeping you safe. Or perhaps you have some more growing to do before you can go through the open door. God knows. 
Connect with Keyno on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlinesswcontentment/Check out the new website here: https://godlinesswithcontentment.com

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